Conversica Announces Groundbreaking Car Buying Experience For Automotive Dealerships

Prohibited Use Policy

This Prohibited Use Policy (“PUP”) describes prohibited uses of the services offered by Conversica, Inc. (the “Services”) and the website located at (the “Site”). The examples described in this PUP are not exhaustive. Customer is responsible for its employees and agents’ (each an “End User”) compliance with this PUP. If Customer or any End User violates this PUP, Conversica may suspend or terminate Customer’s use of the Services. This PUP may be updated by Conversica from time to time upon reasonable notice, which may be provided via Customer’s account, e-mail, or by posting an updated version of this PUP at

No Inappropriate Content or Users. Do not use the Services to transmit or store any content or communications (commercial or otherwise) that is illegal, harmful, fraudulent, confirmed to be criminal misinformation, or otherwise poses a threat to the public. This prohibition includes use of the Services by a hate group or content or communications that originate from a hate group or are exploitive, abusive, or hate speech.

Prohibited Activities. Do not use the Services to engage in or encourage any activity that is illegal, deceptive, harmful, violating others’ rights, or harmful to Conversica’s business operations or reputation, including:

  • Violations of Laws. Violating laws, regulations, or governmental orders in any applicable jurisdiction (collectively, “Applicable Laws”). This includes violating Applicable Laws requiring (a) consent be obtained prior to transmitting data or communications or (b) compliance with opt-out requests for any data or communications.
  • Intentional Interference. Interfering with or otherwise negatively impacting any aspect of the Services.
  • Reverse Engineering. Reverse engineering, copying, disassembling, or decompiling the Services.
  • Falsification of Identity or Origin. Creating a false identity or any attempt to mislead others as to the identity of the sender or the origin of any data or communications.
  • Spoofing/Fraud.  Sending e-mail messages or transmitting any electronic communications using a name or address of someone other than the Customer or End User for purposes of deception. Any attempt to impersonate someone else by altering a source IP address information or by using forged headers or other identifying information is prohibited. 

No Service Integrity Violations. Do not violate the integrity of the Services, including:

  • Security Vulnerabilities. Finding security vulnerabilities to exploit the Services or attempting to bypass any security mechanism or filtering capabilities.
  • Disabling the Services. Any denial of service (DoS) attack on the Services or any other conduct that attempts to disrupt, disable, or overload the Services.
  • Harmful Code or Bots. Transmitting code, files, scripts, agents, or programs intended to do harm, including viruses or malware, or using automated means, such as bots, to gain access to or use the Services.
  • Unauthorized Access. Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Services.

Our Monitoring And Enforcement. We reserve the right to investigate any violation of this PUP or misuse of the Services or Site. We may remove, disable access to, or modify any content or resource that violates this PUP or any other agreement we have with you for use of the Services or the Site. In addition, we may report any activity that we suspect violates any law or regulation to appropriate law enforcement officials, regulators, or other appropriate third parties. We also may cooperate with appropriate law enforcement agencies, regulators, or other appropriate third parties to help with the investigation and prosecution of illegal conduct by providing network and systems information related to alleged violations of this PUP.

Reporting Violations. If you become aware of any violation of this PUP, please contact us at [email protected] immediately and provide us with assistance, as reasonably requested, to stop or remedy the violation.