Struggling to turn interest into conversions? AI is key to closing the gap. Don't miss our Sept 12 webinar.

Beware of ROI Killers: Boost Lead Generation With Intelligent Automation

Even with a clear TAM and an excellent ICP in hand, Marketers face significant challenges in turning prospects into opportunities. So in the face of nearly insatiable pipelines, it’s no wonder that many turn to increasing lead volumes as their go-to approach for ‘feeding the beast.’ And yet these higher volumes can easily have multiple side effects that seriously undermine desired business outcomes. In fact, your lead management processes can actually kill much of your potential ROI.

During this on-demand webinar, we will identify common ROI-killing breakpoints in the lead generation lifecycle and then show how, together, a combination of better data and intelligent automation can dramatically improve opportunity creation and revenue yields.


Beware of ROI Killers: Boost Lead Generation With Intelligent Automation

Even with a clear TAM and an excellent ICP in hand, Marketers face significant challenges in turning prospects into opportunities. So in the face of nearly insatiable pipelines, it’s no wonder that many turn to increasing lead volumes as their go-to approach for ‘feeding the beast.’ And yet these higher volumes can easily have multiple side effects that seriously undermine desired business outcomes. In fact, your lead management processes can actually kill much of your potential ROI.

During this on-demand webinar, we will identify common ROI-killing breakpoints in the lead generation lifecycle and then show how, together, a combination of better data and intelligent automation can dramatically improve opportunity creation and revenue yields.

You’ll learn how to address:
Nurtures that go nowhere because you lack either the insight or the resources (or both) necessary to segment and correspond with prospects in a timely and relevant fashion.
False negatives of many kinds that dead-end both real MQLs and often whole accounts where the demand is real but the process fails.
Opportunities left unpursued at all because of major gaps in what Marketing can deliver and what Sales is able to understand as "gold."
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You can watch the webinar on-demand below.