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Hyundai of Louisville Plus Conversica


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AutomotiveCustomer Stories
Published 12/02/22
1 minutes read

The Automotive Sales industry has evolved rapidly over the past decades years—driven largely by changes in consumer habits. Customers are increasingly likely to start their journey online. Promptly responding to inquiries about a vehicle or persistently following up with a customer about scheduling a test drive is essential for dealerships to edge out the competition.

To help touch online customers with personalized follow-up, Jessie Easley at Hyundai of Louisville uses Conversica.

How Conversica Helps an Automotive Sales Business

Easley has been with the Hyundai of Louisville for almost 14 years, starting as a Business Development Center Rep and eventually working up the ladder to running the business department. 

Hyundai of Louisville has used Conversica for more than seven years. While this was Easley’s choice to bring on a Revenue Digital Assistant™, she says, “It wasn’t my call, but it was a good one.”

Hyundai of Louisville employs two Revenue Digital Assistants named “Ruth” and “Ava” whose jobs are to provide personalized follow-up to incoming leads.

“It’s an extra pair of hands,” Easley says. “They help me find customers that would otherwise fall through the cracks.”

When an internet lead comes in with either a question about the vehicle, the Digital Assistant Ruth or Ava autonomously responds to the lead with a well-crafted, human-like message. This is a two-way exchange that motivates the contact to take action, such as booking an appointment. In this way, the Revenue Digital Assistant helps automotive dealerships parse through highly engaged buyers who are eager to talk to someone from passive shoppers; all without taxing staff members.

But the interaction doesn’t end there. When a prospective customer makes a booking, the Revenue Digital Assistant automatically reaches out 48 hours after the appointment to make sure the customer received the help they desired and asks if there is anything else needed. This keeps leads from falling through the cracks.

“The best way to describe Conversica is that it’s like having an assistant that just works and never talks back,” Easley says. “It’s all about day-to-day success.”

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